How Can Social Workers Help Emotionally Distressed Children?

Emotionally distressed children need extra care from a social worker. They need access to programs focused on their specific problems. The worker can assess the child and provide emotional guidance and access to various programs as well as the funds to support the child’s attendance.

Support and Counseling

There are many reasons why a child might be emotionally distressed, and most of the time it comes from their family situation. The social worker might remove the child from the home, but the child will still need support and counseling while dealing with a new home as well as baggage from their family. Children who end up being taken from their home should be placed in counseling to talk about their feelings and how to cope with their loss.

Access to Programs

Whether it’s after-school activities, sports programs or solo or group counseling, the child needs access to the programs that will help him or her function on a daily basis. An emotionally distressed child needs services that can help build self-esteem and give them tools to deal with distressing situations. There are plenty of programs to help with this process, but the child needs the social worker to pave the way in terms of paperwork and contacts.

Costs of Services

The counseling and programs the child may require cost money that the family might not be able to afford. They might not have adequate health insurance or a job to pay for the services. There are funds that the social worker can tap for the services that the child needs. Often, the social worker has to prove that the child is in desperate need of the services to have the money released. This could require other professionals like counselors to back up the social workers claim that the child requires these services.

Special School Programs

Some emotionally distressed children have a hard time with school work. They could also be distressed because they are struggling in school. There are programs that can help the child excel academically, but they need access to these programs through the social worker. The worker can contact the program and fill out the paperwork required for the child to get extra help.

Case Management

Between services, school help and counseling, the child needs a professional to manage his or her case. Without proper supervision, the child could end up without the services required. Needs change over time, so the social worker will have to keep an eye on the child’s progress. There might be a time when the child doesn’t need all the services once required to get the child on track emotionally or in terms of their school work.

The social worker has a serious responsibility when it comes to an emotionally distressed child. These children need extra care and services to help them move past the situation that is causing the distress. It could be school or family related, which calls for a different amount and type of services. It’s up to the social worker to determine exactly what’s needed.

Related Resource: Top 10 Best Online Social Work Degree Programs